French Quiz Beginner – Level A1-A2

Online French Quiz For Beginners

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Are you currently preparing for your A1 or A2 exam? If yes, this free online French proficiency test will help you to check your current level in French.

If you are an absolute beginner in French, this quiz will be too difficult for you, but you can try it anyway if you want to.

It is suitable for people who are at a beginner/low intermediate level (A1/A2).

For those who did learn French a long time ago or more recently, you can also do the test to refresh your memory and see if you can remember what you have learned.

Have fun with your friends or classmates and see who will have the best score on this French quiz for beginners.

Attention! There is only one correct answer per question and you have 10 minutes to finish it.

39 votes, 4.4 avg

French Quiz - 30 Questions Level Test

Practice Test for Beginner

There is only one correct answer per question!

1 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Nous allons     Londres.

2 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Il    une grande maison.

3 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Il    parti en Espagne.

4 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Marc     Julie ne se parlent plus.


5 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Marie et     frères sont au cinéma.

6 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

        une grande maison.

7 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Martine     tordue la cheville en jouant au basketball.

8 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

      routes sont dangereuses.

9 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

J'ai sauvé une chienne et      petits.


10 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Arthur est venu sans      parents.

11 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

      difficile d'apprendre le français.

12 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Julie     endormie sur le canapé.

13 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

        bizarre, il fait très chaud ici.

14 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

        policiers m'ont aidé à retrouver mon sac.

15 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Ce film est effrayant,     normal d'avoir eu peur.

16 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

      chevaux sont affamés.

17 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

L'avion     envolé dans le ciel.

18 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

     gentil de me rendre visite.

19 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Le berger emmène      moutons dans les pâturages.


20 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Bruno      énervé pendant la soirée de Marie.

21 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Il a fait tomber un           .

22 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Je suis venu          mes amis.

23 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

          déjà la fin des vacances.

24 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Ce parfum          très bon.

25 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Avant, je                   souvent du fromage.

26 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

         voisins sont partis à Paris.

27 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Il est          fois plus rapide.

28 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

Il est parti                avec son frère.

29 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

                 s'est mariée avec son collègue.

30 / 30

Choose the correct answer:

J'ai              un portefeuille.

Your score is

The average score is 59%



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If you prefer to do this French test under pressure, you can do it with this video. You will have 10 seconds to reply to each question. Don’t forget to grab a pen and a piece of paper to keep track of your answers.

We hope this French quiz was helpful for you, if you have any questions, please leave a comment.

7 thoughts on “French Quiz Beginner – Level A1-A2”

  1. Salut! je m’appelle Isabella, Je suis Colombienne. I’m an absolute begginer and your website is fascinating, thank you so much.

  2. OMG! Je suis également débutante en français et je m’appelle aussi Isabella. Je ne sais pas grand-chose français, mais ce site m’a énormément aidé donc je voulais donner un grand MERCI !!

    1. Bonjour, it means that you already have some knowledge of the French language, 20/30, is not bad at all. If you continue to learn and practice, you will improve for sure your level of French. Good luck.

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