Learn French Slang Words and Phrases

100 French Slang words and phrases you need to know

Are you ready to learn French words and phrases you will not learn in class or in a book?

In this lesson, we will learn vocabulary about French slang, to offer you a better understanding of the language when you listen to French native talking together for example in your group of friends, in a movie, in a song…because slang is commonly used in French.

As probably any language in the world, French slang can be hard to teach because there are slang words that you will hear everywhere in the country but some slang words only in some part of France. It can be different from one region to another, but also from France to another country or province where French is spoken, such a Belgium or Quebec (Canada).

For example, a 40-year-old French native speaker from Paris, will most likely not use the same slang words than a 40-year-old French native speaker from the south of France.

As you can imagine, it also depends on the age of the person, a 20-year-old from Paris will have different slang words than a 50-year-old person from the same region.

French slang is as varied as English, and I am sure if you are an English native speaker, you certainly don’t know all the slang vocabulary in your language.

If I say: I will take a slash (urinate), will every English speaker understand the meaning? (A Scottish guy taught me that one)

Of course, it is not necessary to learn all of it. However, when you learn a new language, knowing slang words can be helpful to take your speaking and comprehension skills to another level, and it’s a step forward to sound more like a native French speaker.

One more thing before you start, I don’t want to discourage you, but you need to know that we use slang (argot) and backwards slang (verlan), because we like to make things complicated!

Verlan actually means l’envers, “the inverse”.

Example :

Fou = crazy – Ouf (verlan)

Méchant = means bad – Chanmé (verlan)

So let’s see together a list of French slang words and phrases that you can hear in France, including swear words (sorry for that, but it has to be cover as it is part of our culture, we swear a lot).

Knowing these words can be useful for several situations, but I recommend you to use backwards slang words cautiously, if you don’t want to sound like an old person trying to sound young and cool, just listen to your French friends, and try to catch the slang vocabulary they are using.

French slang words and phrases

  • Avoir le seum = être énervé, en colère, agacé, avoir la poisse (being pissed off, angry, annoyed, to have bad luck)

Je suis arrivé en retard à mon entretien, j’ai trop le seum ! = I was late for my interview, I’m pissed off.

  • Avoir la frousse = avoir peur (scared, fear,be afraid, scary)

J’ai trop la frousse de regarder ce film d’horreur. = I’m too scared to watch that horror movie.

You can also use avoir la trouille, avoir les jetons, avoir les chocottes, they have the same meaning than “avoir la frousse”.

J’ai la trouille des fantômes. = I’m afraid of ghosts.

J’ai les jetons de rester seul dans la maison. = I’m scared to stay alone in the house.

J’ai eu les chocottes d’aller parler à Lucie. = I was afraid to go talk to Lucy.

  • Bouffer = manger (to eat)

J’ai trop envie de bouffer un Big mac = I’m craving to eat a Big mac.

  • Bouffe = la nourriture (food)

La bouffe est bonne dans ce restaurant = The food is good in this restaurant.

  • Boulot = travail (work, job)

Je pars au boulot. = I’m off to work.

You can also use taff, which means the same.

J’ai perdu mon taff. = I lost my job.

  • Cailler = Faire froid, avoir froid (cold weather, to feel cold)

Ça caille ce matin, j’ai dû mettre un bonnet = It’s freezing this morning, I had to put on a hat.

  • Carotter = voler or arnaquer (to steal, to rip off, to scam)

On m’a carotté ma voiture hier soir. = My car was stolen last night.

Il a payé 100 euros pour cette veste, il s’est fait carotter. = He paid 100 euros for that jacket, he got ripped off.

  • Ça déchire ! = géniale (It rocks, awesome)

Ça déchire cette soirée. = This party is rocking.

  • Ça passe crème = Ça convient parfaitement, ça passe bien, c’est parfait, impeccable (It’s a perfect fit, it goes well, it’s perfect, impeccable )

Un petit digestif après le repas, ça passe crème = A little digestif after a meal, it’s perfect.

  • C’est de la balle ! = C’est bien (good, awesome, fantastic)

C’est de la balle cette chanson. = This song is awesome.

  • C’est n’importe quoi = nonsense, bullshit, crap

C’est n’importe quoi ce film d’horreur. = This horror movie is bullshit.

You can also make it shorter and say: c’est n’imp, cette histoire. = This story is nonsense. 

  • Chiottes = les toilettes (toilets, bathroom,loo)

Je peux utiliser tes chiottes ? = Can I use your bathroom?

  • Claquer = fatigué (tired) or mourir (to die), claquer has also other meanings, such as to slam (slam the door = claque la porte)

Je suis claqué cette semaine = I am tired this week.

Il a eu un accident, il a claqué en deux minutes. = He had an accident, he died in two minutes.

You can also use clamser which means mourir (to die)

Roule moins vite, je n’ai pas envie de clamser. = Drive slower, I don’t want to die.

  • Crever = fatigué (tired), mourir (to die), tuer (to kill)

Je suis crevé ce matin. = I am tired this morning.

Tu vas crever si tu n’arrêtes pas de fumer. = You will die if you don’t quit smoking.

Un fou dans la rue a crevé deux personnes avec un couteau. = A crazy guy in the street killed two persons with a knife.

  • Gerber = vomir (to throw up, to puke)

Il a gerbé aux toilettes = He puked in the bathroom.

  • Grailler = manger (to eat)

J’ai trop envie de grailler une pizza = I’m craving to eat a pizza.

  • Flotte = eau (water)

T’as de la flotte, j’ai trop soif. = You’ve got water, I’m so thirsty.

  • Fric = argent (money)

Je n’ai pas assez de fric pour m’acheter un nouveau téléphone. = I don’t have enough money to buy a new phone.

You can also use blé, caillasse, flouse, maille, oseille, pèze, pognon, thune, they have the same meaning than “fric”.

Je n’ai pas de blé, je n’ai pas de caillasse, je n’ai pas de flouse, je n’ai pas de maille, je n’ai pas d’oseille… = I don’t have money.

  • Fringues = Vêtements (Clothes)

Elles sont cool tes fringues. = Your clothes are cool.

  • Niquer = coucher, faire l’amour (to f**k, to get laid, slang word for to have sex, to make love)

T’as niqué une nana hier soir ? = Did you f**k a girl last night?

You can also use baiser, fourrer, and ken, they have same meaning than “niquer”.

Tu n’as pas baisé depuis combien de temps ? = For how long you didn’t have sex?

J’ai envie de fourrer ce soir = I want to get laid tonight.

Ils ont ken ensemble au bout d’une semaine. = They had sex together after one week.

  • Oh la vache = Oh crap, oh my god (une vache means a cow in French)

Oh la vache, j’ai failli tomber du pont. = Oh crap, I almost fell from the bridge.

  • Picoler = Boire de l’alcool (to drink alcohol)

On a trop picolé hier soir. = We drank too much last night.

  • Pioncer = dormir (to sleep)

Je suis fatigué, je vais bien pioncer ce soir. = I’m tired, I’ll sleep well tonight.

  • Pinard = vin (wine)

Ramène du pinard pour le barbecue. = Bring some wine for the barbecue.

  • Piquer = voler (to steal), it can also be use in a friendly context to say to take.

Je me suis fait piquer mon vélo. = My bike was stolen.

Je peux te piquer des frites ? = Can I take some French fries?

  • T’inquiète = ne t’inquiète pas (don’t worry)

T’inquiète, je gère la situation. = Don’t worry, I got it under control.

  • Taffer = travailler (to work)

Je taffe beaucoup en ce moment. = I’m working a lot these days.

You can also use bosser, which means the same.

Je ne peux pas venir ce soir, je bosse. = I can’t come tonight, I am working.

  • Tiser = Boire de l’alcool (to drink alcohol)

On a trop tisé hier soir. = We drank too much last night.

  • Tise = de l’alcool (alcohol)

Achète de la tise, je n’ai rien chez moi. = Buy some alcohol, I don’t have anything at home.

  • Un bouquin = un livre (a book)

Tu peux me prêter un bouquin pour les vacances ? = Can you lend me a book for the holidays?

  • Un cassos = un cas social, une personne marginale (a marginal person, a weirdo)

Le nouveau mec de Lisa, on dirait un cassos. = Lisa’s new boyfriend, looks like a weirdo.

  • Un clébard = un chien (a dog)

Mon clébard est mort. = My dog is dead.

You can also use: un clebs, which also means a dog.

T’as vu mon clebs ? = You didn’t see my dog?

  • Un daron = un père (father), 

Je suis devenu daron. = I became a father.

  • Une daronne = une mère (mother)

J’ai vu ta daronne ce matin. = I saw your mother this morning.

It also means chef (boss)

Il se prend pour le daron. = He thinks he’s the boss.

  • Un flingue = Un pistolet (a gun)

J’ai trouvé un flingue dans la rue. = I found a gun on the street.

  • Un frangin = un frère (a brother)

T’es comme un frangin pour moi. = You’re like a brother for me.

  • Une frangine = une sœur (sister)

Je n’ai pas de frangine. = I have no sister.

  • Un mec = un homme (man, guy)

Le nouveau mec de Marie est beau. = Marie’s new boyfriend is handsome.

Mon mec = mon mari, mon homme ou mon petit ami (my husband, my man or my boyfriend)

Mon mec est fainéant. = My boyfriend is lazy.

  • Un pote = un ami (a friend, a buddy)

Je vais au cinéma avec un pote. = I’m going to the movies with a buddy.

  • Un poulet = un flic (a cop), poulet means chicken, but we also used it for cop.

Roule moins vite, il y a les poulets au rond-point. = Drive slower, there are cops at the roundabout.

  • Un toubib = un docteur (a doctor)

Je vais aller chez le toubib, je crois que j’ai la grippe. = I’m going to the doctor, I think I have the flu.

  • Un truc = une chose (a thing)

C’est quoi ce truc posé sur la table. = What’s that thing on the table?

  • Une baraque = une maison (a house)

Passe boire une bière à la baraque. = Come have a beer at my house.

  • Une binouze = une bière (a beer)

Tu veux une binouze ? = Do you want a beer?

  • Une caisse = une voiture (a car)

Sa nouvelle caisse est magnifique = His new car is beautiful. 

  • Une bagnole = une voiture (a car)

Je ne trouve plus les clés de ma bagnole = I can’t find my car keys.

  • Une clope = une cigarette (a cigarette)

File-moi une clope s’il te plaît. = Give me a cigarette, please.

  • Une garot = une cigarette (a cigarette)

Je vais acheter des garots = I’m going to buy some cigarettes.

  • Une godasse = une chaussure (shoes)

Je me suis acheté de nouvelles godasses. = I bought new shoes.

  • Une gonzesse = une femme (woman/girl)

Sandra est une belle gonzesse. = Sandra is a beautiful girl.

Ma gonzesse = ma femme ou ma petite amie (my wife or my girlfriend)

Ma gonzesse adore les animaux. = My girlfriend loves animals.

  • Une nana= une femme (woman/girl)

Cette nana est chiante = This woman is a pain in the ass.

Ma nana= ma femme ou ma petite amie (my wife or my girlfriend)

Ma nana veut venir avec nous. = My girlfriend wants to come with us.

  • Une piaule = une chambre (a room, studio)

Je regarde la télé dans ma piaule. = I am watching Tv in my room.

  • Une zonz = une prison (jail, prison)

Il est en zonz depuis 2 semaines. = He’s been in prison for two weeks.

French backwards slang words and phrases

  • Chanmé = méchant (méchant means bad, but in “verlan” chanmé means amazing, awesome, cool, great)

Le nouveau film de Will Smith est chanmé = Will Smith’s new movie is great.

Cette chanson est chanmé = This song is amazing.

  • Chelou = louche (weird)

Elle est trop chelou cette fille = This girl is so weird.

Ce film est vraiment chelou = This movie is really weird.

  • Cimer = merci (thank you)

Cimer pour la soirée hier soir, c’était génial. = Thanks for the party last night. It was great.

  • Ainf = faim (hungry)

J’ai trop ainf. = I am so hungry.

  • Golri = rigoler or drôle (to laugh or funny)

Arrête de golri, ce n’est pas marrant. = Stop laughing, it’s not funny.

C’était trop golri quand il est tombé du lit = It was so funny when he fell out of bed.

  • Keuf = flic (cop)

Je me suis fait arrêter par un keuf. = I got pulled over by a cop.

  • Meuf = femme (woman/girl)

Cette meuf est trop belle = This woman is so beautiful.

  • Ma meuf = ma femme ou ma petite amie (my wife or my girlfriend)

Ma meuf ne peut pas venir, elle est malade. = My girlfriend can’t come, she’s sick.

  • Ouf = fou (crazy)

Il a couru 100 km, il est trop ouf. = He ran 100 km, he’s so crazy.

C’est ouf comme il fait chaud aujourd’hui. = It’s crazy how hot it is today.

  • Pécho = choper (choper means to catch, but in “verlan” pécho as various meaning, to catch, to buy, to kiss or to sleep with someone)

Il a pécho la malaria en Afrique = He caught malaria in Africa

Je vais pécho de l’alcool pour la soirée = I’m going to buy some booze for the party.

Olivier a pécho sa voisine = Oliver slept with his neighbor.

  • Relou = lourd (lourd means heavy, but in “verlan” relou means annoying, irritating)

J’espère que Martin ne vient pas ce soir, il est trop relou. = I hope Martin is not coming tonight, he’s too annoying.

C’est relou, demain je dois me lever à 6h. = It’s annoying, tomorrow I have to get up at 6 o’clock.

  • Remps = parents (parents)

Mes remps sont en vacances en Italie. = My parents are on vacation in Italy.

  • Téma = mater (mater means to subdue, bring under control but in “verlan” téma means to look with insistence, to check out, to stare at)

Téma la meuf, elle est trop bonne = Look the girl, she is so hot.

  • Teuf = fête (party, celebration)

Il y a une grosse teuf ce soir, tu viens ? = There’s a big party tonight, are you coming?

  • Tromé = métro (metro/subway)

Je te rejoins au tromé. = I’ll meet you at the subway.

  • Vénère = énervé (angry, mad, upset)

Martin est trop vénère, il s’est fait voler son téléphone. = Martin is so upset, he had his phone stolen.

  • Zarbi = bizarre (weird, bizarre)

Ma copine est trop zarbi en ce moment = My girlfriend is so weird lately.

Rude French slang words and phrases

  • Je m’en fous. = I don’t care, I don’t give a shit.

  • Ferme ta gueule. = Shut the f**k up.

  • Merde. = shit (can also mean good luck/break a leg in some situation)

Merde, j’ai oublié mes clés. = Shit, I forgot my keys.

Je te dis merde pour ton examen demain. = Good luck for your exam tomorrow.

  • Putain = damn, f**k, shit (une putain means a prostitute).

Probably the most popular swear word in French, if you stay in France or hang out with French people in your country, you will often hear it, as we used it in many situations.

Putain, tu as encore cassé un verre = Damn, you broke another glass again.

Qu’est-ce qu’il est lent le serveur, putain. = F**k, what a slow waiter.

Oh putain, ils ont gagné le match à la dernière minute = Oh shit, they won the game at the last minute.

Merci de m’avoir aidé putain, j’étais dans la merde. = Damn, thanks for helping me out, I was in a deep shit.

But to avoid the kids to use this bad word, we have more polite words meaning the same, which are punaise (bug, pushpin) and purée (mash).

Punaise, je ne trouve plus mon livre. = Geez, I can’t find my book.

Purée, ma télé est cassée. = Man, my TV is broken.

French slang for texting

  • A+ = à plus tard (see you later)

J’y vais, a+ = I am leaving, see you later.

  • Bjr = bonjour (hello)

Bjr tout le monde. = Hello everyone.

  • Cad = c’est-à-dire (that is, that is to say, in other words)

J’ai faim, cad, que nous devons allons manger = I’m hungry, in other words, we have to go eat.

  • Cmt = comment (how)

Cmt on fait pour se rejoindre ? = How do we meet up with each other?

  • Je t’m = je t’aime (I love you)

Je t’m pour toujours. = I love you forever.

  • Pq or Pk = pourquoi (why)

Pk tu ne réponds plus ? = Why don’t you answer anymore?

  • Mdr = mort de rire (French equivalent of Lol)

Trop bonne la blague, je suis mdr. = Good joke, it made me laugh out loud.

  • Ptdr = pété de rire (French equivalent of Lmao)

La vidéo m’a fait ptdr. = The video made me laugh my ass off.

  • Slt = salut (hi)

Slt bébé ! = Hi baby!

  • Stp = s’il te plaît (casual way to say please to one person)

Tu peux me donner un verre stp. = Can you give me a glass, please?

  • Svp = s’il vous plaît (formal way to say please to one person or a group)

Pouvez-vous m’envoyer le document par la poste svp ? = Can you please mail me the document?

Venez tous ici svp = Everyone please come here

My French slang word and phrases

As I wrote earlier, slang words varies from a region to another, this list shows some slang words and expressions from where I come from, Alsace, in the east side of France. If you ask a French person from Paris for example, there is little chance he or she will know them. Even in my region, depending on the age, not everyone will not these words, because each generation has his own slang vocabulary.

  • Barder = prendre une mauvaise tournure (take a turn for the worse), it also has other meaning as a verb.

But in my region, my generation (over 30 years old) roughly use it to say, cool, amazing, awesome, fun, hurry up.

Comme elle barde cette soirée = This party is awesome.

Vas-y barde, on n’a pas le temps. = Hurry up, we don’t have time.

Ce mec, il barde à mort = This guy is so cool.

  • Ça geht’s ? = ça va ? (how’s it going?)

  • Ça meule = il fait froid (it’s cold)

  • Lâcher une galette = vomir (to throw up, to puke)

Je crois que je vais lâcher une galette. = I think, I am going to throw up.

  • Un schlass = un couteau (a knife)

Il l’a tué avec un schlass = He killed him with a knife.

  • Une tchaille = une femme, une fille (a woman, a girl)

J’ai vu une tchaille trop mignonne = I saw a girl so cute.

  • Ma tchaille= ma femme ou ma petite amie (my wife or my girlfriend)

Ma tchaille m’a trompé = My girlfriend cheated on me.

  • Un shlouck = une gorgée (a sip)

Je peux boire un petit shlouck de ta bière ? = Can I take a sip from your beer?

  • Un stuck = un morceau (a small piece, a little piece)

Tu veux du gâteau ? Seulement un petit stuck. = Do you want cake? Only a little piece.

  • Une zoim = une maison (a house)

Tu veux venir manger à la zoim ? = Do you want to come home for dinner?


Well, I hope you did find this article helpful, I tried to cover French slang words and phrases that I know personally. As you can imagine, the list doesn’t include all the existing French slang vocabulary, because I don’t know all of them and also it is not use by every French speaker. As I said at the beginning of this article, it depends on the age of the people, the place they lived, and the interaction they had with other French speaker in their life.

Feel free to add slang word I missed in the comment, I am always keen to learn knew words, and it can also help other French learners. Even if you are not from France, but a French speaker from Quebec or Louisiana for example, it would be nice to learn from you.


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