List of common and useful verbs in French

Learn 100 common and useful verbs in French

When learning a new language like French, mastering verbs is crucial. Verbs are the backbone of communication, allowing you to express actions, thoughts, preferences, and more.

Understanding verbs helps you form sentences and articulate yourself in everyday situations. Once you know the pronouns and some key verbs, you’ll be able to create simple sentences, such as:

Je comprends – I understand
Je dors – I sleep
Je mange – I eat
Je lis – I read
Elle court – She runs
Il parle – He talks
Vous partez – You go
Ils reviennent – They come back

As demonstrated, just a pronoun and a verb can help you communicate effectively.

To accelerate your learning and make it more efficient, focusing on the most common and useful French verbs is essential.

Below, you’ll find example sentences for 100 common and useful French verbs, organized alphabetically. This list will aid you in practicing and improving your French at any time and anywhere.

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1)Practical Example Sentences for 100 Common French Verbs

  • Acheter – to buy

J’aime acheter des livres. = I like to buy books.

  • Agir – to act

Il faut agir vite. = We need to act fast.

  • Aimer – to like/to love

Elle aime les fleurs. = She likes flowers.

Julien aime Marie. = Julien loves Marie.

  • Ajouter – to add

N’oublie pas d’ajouter du sel. = Don’t forget to add salt.

  • Aller – to go

Nous allons au cinéma ce soir. = We’re going to the movies tonight.

  • Apercevoir – to see/to spot

J’ai aperçu un chat dans le jardin. = I spotted a cat in the garden.

  • Apprendre – to learn

Je veux apprendre à jouer du piano. = I want to learn to play the piano.

  • Arriver – to arrive

Ils arrivent bientôt à la gare. = They soon arrive at the station.

  • Avoir – to have

J’ai un chat. = I have a cat.

  • Boire – to drink

Je bois du café le matin. = I drink coffee in the morning.

  • Cacher – to hide

Il aime cacher des trésors. = He likes to hide treasures.

  • Changer – to change

Nous devons changer nos plans. = We need to change our plans.

  • Chanter – to sing

Elle chante très bien. = She sings very well.

  • Chercher – to look for

Je cherche mes clés. = I’m looking for my keys.

  • Comprendre – to understand

Je ne comprends pas cette règle. = I don’t understand this rule.

  • Compter – to count

Il sait compter jusqu’à dix. = He can count to ten.

  • Conduire – to drive

Elle va conduire jusqu’à la ville. = She’s going to drive to the city.

  • Connaître – to know

Je connais bien cette forêt. = I know this forest very well.

  • Continuer – to continue

Il continue à travailler malgré la fatigue. = He continues to work despite the tiredness.

  • Courir – to run

Nous aimons courir le matin. = We like to run in the morning.

  • Crier – to shout

Il crie très fort. = He shouts very loudly.

  • Croire – to believe

Elle croit en ses rêves. = She believes in her dreams.

  • Défaire – to undo

Je vais défaire ce nœud. = I’m going to undo this knot.

  • Demander – to ask

Elle demande des conseils. = She asks for advice.

  • Descendre – to come down

Nous devons descendre les escaliers. = We need to come down the stairs.

  • Devenir – to become

Elle veut devenir médecin. = She wants to become a doctor.

  • Dire – to say/to tell

Il dit toujours la vérité. = He always tells the truth.

  • Donner – to give

Je vais lui donner un cadeau. = I’m going to give him/her a gift.

  • Dormir – to sleep

Je dors bien la nuit. = I sleep well at night.

  • Écouter – to listen to

Elle écoute de la musique. = She listens to music.

  • Entendre – to hear

J’entends un bruit étrange. = I hear a strange noise.

  • Envoyer – to send

Elle va envoyer une lettre. = She’s going to send a letter.

  • Essayer – to try

Tu devrais essayer ce nouveau plat. = You should try this new dish.

  • Être – to be

Nous sommes amis depuis longtemps. = We have been friends for a long time.

  • Étudier – to study

Je dois étudier pour mon examen. = I need to study for my exam.

  • Exister – to exist

Des solutions existent toujours. = Solutions always exist.

  • Faire – to do/make

Nous devons faire nos devoirs. = We need to do our homework.

J’ai fait ce mur. = I made this wall.

  • Faire du shopping – to go shopping (for leisure)

Elle aime faire du shopping le weekend. = She likes to go shopping on weekends.

  • Faire les courses – to go shopping (for groceries)

Nous devons faire les courses ce soir. = We need to go grocery shopping tonight.

  • Finir – to finish

J’ai fini mon travail. = I finished my work.

  • Frapper – to hit

Il ne faut jamais frapper quelqu’un. = You should never hit someone.

  • Garder – to keep

Elle garde tous ses souvenirs. = She keeps all her memories.

  • Jeter – to throw

Je vais jeter ces vieux vêtements. = I’m going to throw away these old clothes.

  • Jouer – to play

Ils aiment jouer au football. = They like to play football.

  • Lire – to read

Elle aime lire des romans. = She likes to read novels.

  • Manger – to eat

Nous devons manger plus de légumes. = We should eat more vegetables.

  • Mettre – to put/to place

Je vais mettre mes chaussures. = I’m going to put on my shoes.

  • Obtenir – to get

J’ai enfin obtenu mon diplôme. = I finally got my diploma.

  • Occuper – to occupy

Le travail l’occupe beaucoup. = Work occupies him/her a lot.

  • Offrir – to offer

Il va lui offrir un cadeau. = He’s going to offer her a gift.

  • Oublier – to forget

Je ne veux pas oublier cette journée. = I don’t want to forget this day.

  • Parler – to speak

Elle parle couramment trois langues. = She speaks three languages fluently.

  • Passer – to pass

Je vais passer devant chez toi. = I’m going to pass by your place.

  • Payer- to pay

Je vais payer l’addition. = I’m going to pay the bill.

  • Penser – to think

Il pense toujours à elle. = He always thinks about her.

  • Peser – to weigh

Ce sac pèse très lourd. = This bag weighs a lot.

  • Pleurerto cry

Ne pleure pas, tout va bien. = Don’t cry, everything is okay.

  • Poserto put

Il va poser le livre sur la table. = He’s going to put the book on the table.

  • Pousserto push

Il faut pousser la porte pour entrer. = You need to push the door to enter.

  • Pouvoirto be able to/can

Tu peux le faire, j’en suis sûr. = You can do it, I’m sure of it.

  • Prendre to take

Je vais prendre un café, s’il vous plaît. = I’ll take a coffee, please.

  • Présenter to present

Elle va présenter son projet demain. = She’s going to present her project tomorrow.

  • Quitterto leave

Il doit quitter la maison tôt le matin. = He has to leave the house early in the morning.

  • Rappeler to call back

Je vais te rappeler plus tard. = I’ll call you back later.

  • Recevoirto receive

Elle va recevoir un prix pour son travail. = She will receive an award for her work.

  • Reconnaître to recognize

Je ne peux pas reconnaître son visage. = I can’t recognize his/her face.

  • Redireto repeat/to say again

Tu dois redire ce que tu as dit. = You have to repeat what you said.

  • Refaireto redo

Nous devons refaire cette peinture. = We need to redo this painting.

  • Regarderto look

Il aime regarder les étoiles la nuit. = He likes to look at the stars at night.

  • Remettreto put back

Il va remettre les livres à leur place. = He’s going to put the books back in their place.

  • Rencontrerto meet

Je vais rencontrer mon ami cet après-midi. = I’m going to meet my friend this afternoon.

  • Rendreto return

Il doit rendre ce livre à la bibliothèque. = He has to return this book to the library.

  • Répéter to repeat

Je vais répéter ce que j’ai dit. = I’m going to repeat what I said.

  • Répondreto answer

Elle va répondre à tes questions. = She will answer your questions.

  • Resterto stay

Nous allons rester ici pour la nuit. = We’re going to stay here for the night.

  • Retournerto return

Je vais retourner à la maison maintenant. = I’m going to return home now.

  • Retrouver to find

Il a finalement retrouvé ses clés. = He finally found his keys.

  • Revenirto come back

Il va revenir demain matin. = He will come back tomorrow morning.

  • Rireto laugh

Nous avons ri pendant des heures. = We laughed for hours.

  • Saignerto bleed

Saigner du nez peut être effrayant. = Bleeding from the nose can be scary.

  • Saisir to seize

Il doit saisir cette opportunité. = He must seize this opportunity.

  • Sauverto save

Les pompiers ont réussi à sauver le chat. = The firefighters managed to save the cat.

  • Savoir to know

Il sait jouer de la guitare. = He knows how to play the guitar.

  • Se sentirto feel/ to feel something

Elle se sent malade aujourd’hui. = She feels sick today.

  • Secourirto rescue

Les sauveteurs ont réussi à secourir les naufragés. = The rescuers managed to rescue the stranded crew.

  • Semblerto seem

Ça semble difficile à comprendre. = It seems difficult to understand.

  • Sentirto feel/to smell

Je sens une bonne odeur de gâteau. = I smell a delicious cake.

  • Servirto serve

On va servir le repas maintenant. = We will serve the meal now.

  • Suivreto follow

Vous devez suivre ces instructions. = You need to follow these instructions.

  • Tirerto pull, to shoot

Il tire la corde pour ouvrir le rideau. = He pulls the cord to open the curtain.

  • Tourner to turn

Tournez à gauche au prochain carrefour. = Turn left at the next intersection.

  • Travailler to work

Nous travaillons dur pour atteindre nos objectifs. = We work hard to achieve our goals.

  • Trouver to find

J’ai trouvé mon téléphone sous le lit. = I found my phone under the bed.

  • Tuerto kill

Il ne faut jamais tuer personne. = You should never kill anyone.

  • Vendre – to sell

Elle va vendre ses vieux vêtements au marché. = She’s going to sell her old clothes at the market.

  • Venirto come

Ils vont venir à la fête demain. = They’re going to come to the party tomorrow.

  • Vivreto live

Ils vivent dans une petite maison près de la rivière. = They live in a small house near the river.

  • Voir to see

Je vais voir ce film ce soir. = I’m going to see that movie tonight.

  • Voler to steal/ to fly

Il ne faut jamais voler quoi que ce soit. = You should never steal anything.

Les oiseaux volent dans le ciel. = The birds fly in the sky.

  • Vomirto vomit

Elle va vomir si elle mange trop. = She will vomit if she eats too much.

  • Vouloir to want

Je veux une glace. = I want an ice cream.

2) List of common and useful verbs in French in alphabetic order: [download pdf version]

  • acheterto buy
  • agirto act
  • aimerto like/to love
  • ajouterto add
  • aller to go
  • apercevoirto see/to spot
  • apprendreto learn
  • arriver to arrive
  • avoirto have
  • boireto drink
  • cacherto hide
  • changer to change
  • chanterto sing
  • chercherto look for
  • comprendre to understand
  • compter to count
  • conduireto drive
  • connaitreto know
  • continuer to continue
  • courirto run
  • crierto shout
  • croireto believe
  • défaire to undo
  • demanderto ask
  • descendreto come down
  • devenir to become
  • dire to say/to tell
  • donnerto give
  • dormirto sleep
  • écouterto listen to
  • entendreto hear
  • envoyerto send
  • essayerto try
  • être to be
  • étudierto study
  • exister to exist
  • faireto do
  • faire du shoppingto go shopping (for leisure)
  • faire les courses to go shopping (for groceries)
  • finir to finish
  • frapper to hit
  • garder to keep
  • jeterto throw
  • jouer to play
  • lireto read
  • mangerto eat
  • mettre – to put/to place
  • obtenir – to get
  • occuper – to occupy
  • offrir – to offer
  • oublier – to forget
  • parler – to speak
  • passer – to pass
  • payer– to pay
  • penser – to think
  • peser – to weigh
  • pleurer – to cry
  • poser – to put
  • pousser – to push
  • pouvoir – to be able to
  • prendre – to take
  • présenter – to present
  • quitter – to leave
  • rappeler – to call back
  • recevoir – to receive
  • reconnaitre – to recognize
  • redire – to repeat/to say again
  • refaire – to redo
  • regarder – to look
  • remettre – to put back
  • rencontrer – to meet
  • rendre – to return
  • répéter – to repeat
  • répondre – to answer
  • rester – to stay
  • retourner – to return
  • retrouver – to find
  • revenir – to come back
  • rire – to laugh
  • saigner – to bleed
  • saisir – to cease
  • sauver – to save
  • savoir – to know
  • se sentir – to feel/ to feel something
  • secourir – to rescue
  • sembler – to seem
  • sentir – to feel/to smell
  • servir – to serve
  • suivre – to follow
  • tirer – to pull, to shoot
  • tourner – to turn
  • travailler – to work
  • trouver – to find
  • tuer – to kill
  • vendre– to sell
  • venir – to come
  • vivre – to live
  • voir – to see
  • voler – to steal/ to fly
  • vomir – to vomit
  • vouloir – to want

I hope this list of verbs was useful for you, you can also watch it in video if you prefer, with different example sentences. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

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