List of 300 common French Verbs

Learn 300 common and useful verbs in French

Are you looking to learn frequently used verbs to improve and enhance your vocabulary in French?

As you know, when it comes to learning a new language, it can be difficult to remember all the words and phrases when you start.

But with the list below, you are going to be able to memorize the French verbs a lot more easily. And this will help you to create sentences because all sentences have at least one verb.

Verbs are essential to learn because they will allow you to express what you do, what you think, and what you like or dislike.

They are important to create sentences and express yourself orally in your daily life. Once you learn the pronouns and some verbs, you will already be able to express things with small sentences, for example:

Je regarde la télé – I watch TV
Je dors – I sleep
Je cours – I run
Elle lit – She reads
Il mange – He eats
Ils partent – They leave
Vous avez faim ?- Are you hungry?
Nous sommes dehors – We are outside

As you can see, it’s easy to make sentences once you learn some common verbs.

To progress quickly and save time in your learning, it is important to focus on the most frequent and useful verbs in French.

Below, you can find 300 useful and common verbs in French, two videos with the verbs and sentences in context, and a list in alphabetic order that you can print so you can practice at anytime, anywhere.

French verbs list a-z:

abandonner – to give up / to abandon
abattre – to shoot
abîmer – to damage
accélérer – to accelerate
accepter – to accept
accompagner – to accompany
accoucher – to give birth
accrocher – to attach / to hang
acheter – to buy
agir – to act
aider – to help
aimer – to like/to love
ajouter – to add
aller – to go
allumer- to turn on / to switch on / to light up
apercevoir – to see / to spot
apprendre – to learn
arrêter – to stop / to arrest
arriver – to arrive
attendre – to wait
atterrir – to land
attraper – to catch
avaler – to swallow
avoir – to have
bégayer – to stutter
blesser – to injure
bloquer – to block
boire – to drink
bondir – to bounce
boucher – to clog
bouder – to sulk
bouillir – to boil
bouquiner – to read
briser – to break
bronzer – to sunbathe
cacher – to hide
cambrioler – to burglarize / to break in
casser – to break
causer – to cause
changer – to change
chanter – to sing
chauffer – to heat
chavirer – to capsize
chercher – to look for
chialer – to weep / to cry
chuchoter – to whisper
cicatriser – to heal
coiffer – to style / to do hair
coincer – to stick
coller – to glue
combattre – to fight
commander – to order
comparer – to compare
comprendre – to understand
compter – to count
concrétiser – to realise
conduire – to drive
confier – to entrust / to leave
confimer – – to confirm
confisquer – to confiscate
conjuguer – to conjugate
connaitre – to know
continuer – to continue
contrôler – to control
couper – to cut
courir – to run
créer – to create
crier – to shout
croire – to believe
cuisiner – to cook
danser – to dance
décevoir – to disappoint
défaire – to unpack
demander – to ask
déménager – to move
démolir – to demolish
démotiver – to demotivate / to discourage
déprimer – to be depress
descendre – to go down / come down
désinstaller – to uninstall
désobéir – to disobey
dessiner – to draw
détester – to hate
détruire – to destroy
devenir – to become
dire – to say/ to tell
disparaître – to disappear
disqualifier – to disqualify
donner – to give
dormir – to sleep
draguer – to hit on / to flirt
écarter – to spread
échanger – to exchange
économiser – to save up
écouter – to listen to
écrire – to write
emballer – to pack
embrasser – to kiss
encourager – to encourage
ennuyer – to annoy
entendre – to hear
envoyer – to send
éplucher – to peel
essayer – to try
étaler – to spread
éteindre – to turn off / to switch off
étendre – to hang
être – to be
étudier – to study
exister – to exist
expliquer – to explain
fabriquer – to make / to build
faire – to do
falsifier – to falsify
féliciter – to congratulate
fermer – to close
fêter – to celebrate
finir – to finish
fondre – to melt
frapper – to hit
fumer – to smoke
gagner – to win
garder – to keep
gâter – to spoil
geler – to freeze
glisser – to slip
goûter – to taste
grimper – to climb
habiller – to dress
harceler – to harass
hospitaliser – to hospitalize
hurler – to scream
hypnotiser – to hypnotize
idolâtrer – to idolize
illuminer – to illuminate
inaugurer – to inaugurate
infecter – to infect
installer – to install
intercepter – to intercept
introduire – to insert
investir – to invest
jaillir – to erupt / to gush
jeter – to throw away
jeûner – to fast
jouer – to play
juger – to judge
kidnapper – to kidnap
klaxonner – to honk
laisser – to let
lancer – to throw
libérer – to release
licencier – to fire / to be a member
lier – to tie
ligoter – to tie up
lire – to read
livrer – to deliver
louer – to rent
louper – to miss
maigrir – to lose weight
maîtriser – to control / to master
manger – to eat
manifester – to protest
manquer – to miss
marcher – to walk
méditer – to meditate
mélanger – to mix
mentir – to lie
mettre – to put/to place
nager – to swim
narguer – to taunt
naviguer – to sail
négocier – to negotiate
neiger – to snow
nettoyer – to clean
nier – to deny
obéir – to obey
observer – to observe
obtenir – to get
occuper – to occupy
offrir – to offer
oublier – to forget
ouvrir – to open
pardonner – to forgive
parier – to bet
parler – to speak
partager – to share
participer – to participate
partir – to leave
passer – to pass
payer – to pay
pêcher – to fish
peindre – to paint
pénétrer – to penetrate
penser – to think
perdre – to lose
permettre – to allow
peser – to weigh
photographier – to photograph
plaisanter – to joke
planer – to hover
planifier – to plan
planter – to plant
pleurer – to cry
pleuvoir – to rain
plier – to fold
polluer – to pollute
pondre – to lay
porter – to carry
poser – to ask / to put
poster – to post
pousser – to push
pouvoir – can / to be able to
prendre – to take
préparer – to prepare
présenter – to present / to introduce
prêter – to lend
prier – to pray
promener – to walk
prononcer – to pronounce
prouver – to prove
qualifier – to qualify
questionner – to question
quitter – to leave
raccourcir – to shorten
racheter – to purchase
rajouter – to add
ralentir – to slow down
râler – to grumble
ramasser – to pick up
ranger – to tidy up
râper – to grate
rappeler – to call back
recevoir – to receive
reconnaitre – to recognize
redire – to repeat / to say again
refaire – to redo
regarder – to look
remettre – to put back
remuer – to stir
rencontrer – to meet
rendre – to give back
réparer – to repair
repasser – to iron
répéter – to repeat
répondre – to answer
rester – to stay
retourner – to return
retrouver – to find
revenir – to come back
rêver – to dream
rire – to laugh
rouler – to drive / to ride
rouvrir – to reopen
saigner – to bleed
saisir – to cease
salir – so soil / to make dirty
saluer – to greet
sauter – to jump
sauver – to rescue
savoir – to know
secourir – to rescue
sécuriser – to secure
séduire – to seduce
séjourner – to stay
sélectionner – to select
sembler – to seem
sentir – to feel / to smell
servir – to serve
siffler – to whistle
signaler – to report
souffrir – to suffer
souhaiter – to wish
sourire – to smile
soutenir – to support
suivre – to follow
supprimer – to delete
surpeupler – to overcrowd
survivre – to survive
taper – to hit
teindre – to dye
téléphoner – to phone
tenir – to hold
tenter – to try
tester – to test
tirer – to pull, to shoot
tomber – to fall
tondre – to mow
torturer – to torture
tourner – to turn
tousser – to cough
traduire – to translate
travailler – to work
trouver – to find
tuer – to kill
uriner – to urinate
usurper – to steal
vendre – to sell
venir – to come
verser – to pour
visiter – to visit
vivre – to live
voir – to see
voler – to steal / to fly
vomir – to vomit
vouloir – to want
zozoter – to lisp

Download the pdf version of the list of 300 common French verbs a-z

I hope this list of verbs was useful for you, you can also watch it in these two videos below if you prefer. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.




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