Learn how to describe your daily routine in French
In any language, it is important to know how to describe your daily activities! In this lesson, we will learn how to describe your daily routines in French, illustrated with some pictures and examples sentences. You can listen to the audio for each word, to learn how to pronounce it correctly.
When speaking with a French speaker, you are likely going to want to at least refer to your daily routine, so learning vocabulary about this topic is a good thing for your learning process.
Knowing these words and phrases is also excellent for listening to other people as they are likely to talk about their daily routines and you are going to want to be able to understand what they are saying.
Vocabulary about daily routine in French
Se réveiller = To wake up
Example :
Je me réveille à 7 heures du matin. = I wake up at 7 in the morning.
Se lever du lit = To get up from bed
Example :
Je me lève du lit à 8 heures. = I get up from bed at 8 o’clock.
Faire son lit = To make bed
Example :
Je fais mon lit tous les jours. = I make my bed every day.
Aller aux toilettes = To go to toilet
Example :
Je vais aux toilettes. = I go to toilet.
Se brosser les dents = To brush teeth
Example :
Je me brosse les dents trois fois par jour. = I brush my teeth three times a day.
Se laver le visage = To wash face
Example :
Je me lave le visage avec de l’eau froide. = I wash my face with cold water.
Se doucher = To shower
Example :
Je me douche pendant 15 minutes. = I shower for 15 minutes.
S’habiller = Get dressed
Example :
Je m’habille en 5 minutes. = I get dressed in 5 minutes.
Se maquiller = To put on make-up
Example :
Elle se maquille pendant 1 heure. = She puts on make-up for 1 hour.
Prendre le petit-déjeuner = To have breakfast
Example :
J’aime prendre un petit-déjeuner. = I like having breakfast.
Aller à l’école = To go to school
Example :
Je vais à l’école en bus. = I go to school by bus.
Aller au travail = To go to work
Example :
Je vais au travail à 9h. = I go to work at 9am.
Déjeuner = To have lunch
Example :
Je déjeune à midi. = I have lunch at noon.
Rentrer à la maison = To go home
Example :
Je rentre à la maison à 19h. = I go home at 7pm.
Arriver à la maison = To arrive at home
Example :
J’arrive à la maison à 20h. = I arrive at home at 8pm.
Faire ses devoirs = To do homework
Example :
Je n’aime pas faire mes devoirs. = I don’t like to do my homework.
Dîner = To have dinner
Example :
Je dîne avec mes parents. = I have dinner with my parents.
Regarder la télé = To watch TV
Example :
Je regarde la télé avec ma copine. = I watch TV with my girlfriend.
Écouter de la musique = To listen to music
Example :
J’aime écouter de la musique. = I like listening to music.
Aller au lit = To go to bed
Example :
Je vais au lit à 23h. = I go to bed at 11pm.
Dormir = To sleep
Example :
Je dors vers 23h30. = I sleep around 11.30pm.
More examples without audio :
Se rendre au travail en voiture = Drive to work
Prendre un taxi = Take a taxi
Attendre le bus = Wait for the bus
Préparer le dîner = Prepare dinner
Faire la lessive/Faire le linge = Do the laundry
Accrocher les vêtements = Hang the clothes
Repasser les vêtements = Iron the clothes
Plier le linge = Fold the laundry
Prendre un bain = Take a bath
Se brosser les cheveux = Brush your hair
Surfer sur internet = Surf the net
Aller faire les courses = Go shopping
Faire du sport = To exercise
Laver la voiture = Wash the car
Jouer avec des amis = Play with friends
Sortir avec des amis = Go out with friends
Prendre des photos = To take pictures
Jouer de la guitare = Play guitar
Lire les nouvelles = Read the news
Arroser les plantes = Water the plant
Aller se promener = Go for a walk
Nourrir le chien = Feed the dog
Nourrir le chat = Feed the cat
Promener le chien = Walk the dog
Sortir les poubelles = Take out the rubbish
Balayer le sol = Sweep the floor
Faire la vaisselle = Wash the dishes
Nettoyer les fenêtres = Clean windows
Ramasser les feuilles = Rake the leaves
Tondre la pelouse = Cut the grass
You can also learn watch our video to learn how to describe your daily routine in French :
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