Category: Lessons

vehicles names in French 0

List of vehicles names in French

Vocabulary: Learn vehicles names in French Are you wondering how to say a car, a boat or other vehicles in French? In the list below, you can learn a list of words to increase...

Animal names in French 0

List of animal names in French

Vocabulary: Learn animal names in French Are you wondering how to say a dog, a monkey or other animals in French? In the list below, you can learn a list of words to add...

Learn Fruits and Vegetables in French 0

Learn Fruits and Vegetables in French

French Vocabulary: Fruits and Vegetables Are you wondering how to say a watermelon, a cucumber or other fruits and vegetables in French? In the list below, you can listen to 92 audio files and...

Kitchenware vocabulary in French 0

Kitchenware Vocabulary In French

Learn Kitchenware in French Are you wondering how to say a spoon, a plate or other kitchen items in French? In this lesson, you can find and learn a large list of kitchen items...

French Verbs 0

Introduction to French Verbs

Learn and understand how to use verbs in French When it comes to learn a new language, verbs are one of the first thing you will have to learn, so you can start to...

French sentences 1

French Sentences for Beginners

French Sentences for Beginners: A Comprehensive List of 50+ Phrases In this comprehensive lesson, you’ll find a list of common French phrases to help improve your basic conversation level in the French language. Learning...