French Test Level A1 – C’est, S’est, Ces, Ses

Online French Test For Beginners – C’est/S’est – Ces/Ses

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Are you currently preparing for your A1 exam? If yes, this free online French test will help you to check your current level with ‘c’est, s’est, ces and ses’.

A little reminder before you start:

  • “S’est” is always followed by a past participle; it is part of the conjugation of a pronominal verb.

It is only used with the 3rd person singular, il (he), elle (she) and on (informal we, but it is followed by the same form of the verb as singular il or elle):


Je me suis fait mal -> tu t’es fait mal -> il s’est fait mal -> elle s’est fait mal > on s’est fait mal

I got hurt -> you got hurt -> he got hurt > she got hurt > we got hurt

  • “C’est” is usually followed by a noun, a determiner, an adjective, or a pronoun:


C’est mon livre -> It is my book

C’est froid ! -> It is cold!

It is only conjugated in the third person.

  • “Ces” (these/those) is a demonstrative adjective, plural of ce, cet or cette (this/that)


Ce chien -> Ces chiens – This dog -> These dogs

Cet homme -> Ces hommes – This man -> These men

Cette voiture -> Ces voitures – That car -> Those cars

  • “Ses” is a possessive adjective, plural of son (his) or sa (her).


Son livre est tombé -> Ses livres sont tombés – His/her book has fallen -> His/her books have fallen

Sa fille est malade -> Ses filles sont malades – His/her daughter is sick -> His/her daughters are sick

If you are an absolute beginner in French, this quiz will be too difficult for you, but you can try it anyway if you want to.

It is suitable for people who are at a beginner/low intermediate level (A1/A2).

For those who did learn French a long time ago or more recently, you can also do the test to refresh your memory and see if you can remember what you have learned.

Have fun with your friends or classmates and see who will have the best score on this French test for beginners.

Attention! There is only one correct answer per question and you have 10 minutes to finish it.

6 votes, 4.3 avg

French Test A1 level - C'est/S'est/Ces/Ses

Practice Test for Beginner - 20 questions

There is only one correct answer per question!

1 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Nous allons     Londres.

2 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Il    une grande maison.

3 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Il    parti en Espagne.

4 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Marc     Julie ne se parlent plus.


5 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Marie et     frères sont au cinéma.

6 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

        une grande maison.

7 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Martine     tordue la cheville en jouant au basketball.

8 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

      routes sont dangereuses.

9 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

J'ai sauvé une chienne et      petits.


10 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Arthur est venu sans      parents.

11 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

      difficile d'apprendre le français.

12 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Julie     endormie sur le canapé.

13 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

        bizarre, il fait très chaud ici.

14 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

        policiers m'ont aidé à retrouver mon sac.

15 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Ce film est effrayant,     normal d'avoir eu peur.

16 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

      chevaux sont affamés.

17 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

L'avion     envolé dans le ciel.

18 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

     gentil de me rendre visite.

19 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Le berger emmène      moutons dans les pâturages.


20 / 20

Choose the correct answer:

Bruno      énervé pendant la soirée de Marie.

Your score is

The average score is 69%



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