Learn the weather vocabulary in French
The weather is a topic that is often discussed, regardless of the language spoken. This is likely because the weather has a significant impact on our daily lives.
In this lesson, you will learn about some common French words related to the weather but also to natural disasters.
This will help you to talk about the weather with native speakers, as well as understand what they are saying when they discuss this topic. It is also useful if you like to watch or read the French news.
In French, there are many words that are used to describe the weather, as you will see below, including nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
Here are a few sentences showing how to talk about the weather in French:
Le temps = the weather
La météo/les prévisions météo = the weather/weather forecast
Nous avons eu du beau temps pendant les vacances. = We had beautiful weather during the holidays.
Il a fait beau ce week-end. = The weather was nice this weekend.
Il a fait froid mardi. = It was cold on Tuesday.
Il a fait chaud à Marseille cet été. = It was hot in Marseille this summer.
Des intempéries ont été annoncées pour lundi. = Bad weather was forecast for Monday.
La météo s’annonce mauvaise pour la semaine prochaine. = The weather forecast is bad for the next week.
French weather words about the rain
- Noun:
La pluie = the rain
De fortes pluies se sont abattues sur Paris mardi soir. = Heavy rain fell on Paris on Tuesday evening.
- Adjective:
Pluvieux / pluvieuse = rainy
Un temps pluvieux est attendu ce matin. = Rainy weather is expected this morning.
C’est une journée pluvieuse. (adjective in the feminine form) = It is a rainy day.
- Verb:
Pleuvoir = to rain
Il a plu toute la nuit. = It rained all night.
Il pleut tous les jours depuis deux semaines. = It has been raining every day for two weeks.
- Extra:
Des pluies diluviennes = torrential rains / heavy rains
Des pluies torrentielles = torrential rains / heavy rains
La mousson = the monsoon
French weather words about the snow
- Noun:
La neige = the snow
Les premières neiges sont tombées ce week-end en Isère. = The first snow fell this weekend in Isère.
- Adjective:
Neigeux / neigeuse = snowy
Un temps neigeux est attendu ce matin. = Snowy weather is expected this morning.
Une semaine très neigeuse s’annonce. (adjective in the feminine form) = Snowy week is coming.
- Verb:
Neiger = to snow
Il a neigé toute la journée. = It snowed all day.
Il neige souvent en décembre. = It often snows in December.
- Extra:
Enneiger/ être enneigé (verb) = cover in snow
La route était enneigée ce matin. = The road was covered in snow this morning.
Des flocons de neige = snowflakes
French weather words about the black ice
- Noun:
Le verglas = the black ice/icy[
Roulez doucement, il y a du verglas ce matin. = Drive slowly, it’s icy this morning.
- Adjective:
Verglacé / Verglacée = icy
Une voiture a glissé sur le pont verglacé. = A car slid on the icy bridge.
Sois prudent, la route est verglacée. (adjective in the feminine form) = Be careful, the road is icy.
- Verb:
Verglacer / être verglacé = to be icy / to be cover with black ice
La route est souvent verglacée en hiver. = The road is often icy in winter.
French weather words about the hail
- Noun:
La grêle = the hail
La grêle s’est abattue sur un village. = Hail fell on a village.
- Verb:
Grêler = to hail
Il a grêlé si fort qu’on a dû s’abriter. = It hailed so hard we had to take shelter.
- Extra:
Des grêlons = hailstones
Des grêlons énormes ont endommagé plusieurs véhicules. = Huge hailstones damaged several vehicles.
French weather words about the storm
Une tempête = a storm
Une tempête de grêle = a hailstorm
Une tempête de pluie = a rainstorm
Une tempête de neige = a snowstorm
Une tempête de sable = a sandstorm
Une tempête de poussière = a dust storm
French weather words about the wind
- Noun:
Le vent = the wind
Le vent souffle fort ce matin. = The wind is blowing strong this morning.
- Adjective:
Venteux = windy
Un temps venteux est attendu ce week-end. = Windy weather is expected this weekend.
Les plages venteuses attirent les surfers. (adjective in the feminine form) = The windy beaches attract surfers.
- Verb:
Venter = be windy
Il vente souvent plus fort au sommet des montagnes. = It is often more windy on top of the mountains.
- Extra:
Une rafale = a gust
Une puissante rafale a arraché mon toit. = A powerful gust ripped my roof off.
La brise = the breeze
Une brise souffle du lac vers les rives. = A breeze blows from the lake to the shore.
French weather words about the clouds
- Noun:
Le nuage / les nuages = the cloud / clouds
J’adore regarder les nuages. = I like to watch the clouds.
- Adjective:
Nuageux = cloudy
Le temps est très nuageux à Londres. = The weather is very cloudy in London.
Une journée nuageuse est attendue demain. (adjective in the feminine form) = A cloudy day is expected tomorrow.
- Extra:
Le ciel = the sky
Un arc-en-ciel = a rainbow
French weather words about the fog and the mist
- Noun:
Le brouillard = the fog
Un épais brouillard a recouvert Paris ce matin. = Thick fog blanketed Paris this morning.
- Noun:
La brume = the mist
La brume a recouvert ma maison hier matin. = The mist covered my house yesterday morning.
- Adjective:
Brumeux/ brumeuse = misty
Faites attention sur la route, le temps est brumeux. = Be careful on the road, the weather is misty/foggy.
Nous avons eu une matinée brumeuse. (adjective in the feminine form) = We had a misty morning.
French weather words about the heatwave
La canicule / la vague de chaleur = the heatwave
L’Espagne est touchée par la canicule depuis plusieurs mois. = Spain has been hit by a heat wave for several months.
L’arrivée d’une vague de chaleur a fait grimper les températures. =The arrival of a heat wave has caused temperatures to rise.
French weather words about the thunderstorm
Un orage = a thunderstorm
Le tonnerre = the thunder
Un éclair = a lightning bolt / lightning
La foudre = the lightning (we use “foudre” when a lightning bolt strikes either the land surface or an aircraft.)
French weather words about the flood
- Noun:
Une inondation = a flood / flooding
Le sud de la France est frappé par des inondations. = The south of France is hit by floods.
- Adjective:
Inondé = flooded
Un parking inondé s’est effondré au Texas. = A flooded parking lot collapsed in Texas.
Traverser une zone inondée est dangereux. (adjective in the feminine form) = Crossing a flooded area is dangerous.
- Verb:
Inonder = flood / inundate
De fortes pluies ont inondé la ville. = Heavy rainfall flooded the city.
French words about natural disasters
Une tempête tropicale = a tropical storm
Un ouragan = a hurricane
Un cyclone = a cyclone
Un typhon = a typhoon
Hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons are all types of tropical storms.
Une avalanche = an avalanche
Une coulée de boue = a mudslide
Un éboulement = a rockslide
Un glissement de terrain = a landslide
Un feu de forêt = a wildfire
Un feu de broussailles = a brush fire
Un incendie = a fire
La sécheresse = the drought
Une tornade = a tornado
Une tornade de feu = a firenado
Un tourbillon de poussière/sable = a dust devil
Un tourbillon de feu = a fire devil
Un tremblement de terre / un séisme = an earthquake
Une trombe marine = a waterspout
Un tsunami = a tsunami
List of French vocabulary about weather and natural disasters
l’arc-en-ciel = rainbow
l’avalanche = avalanche
le blizzard = blizzard
la brise = breeze
le brouillard = fog
la brume = mist
la canicule = heatwave
la chaleur = heat
le chaud = hot
le ciel = sky
la coulée de boue = mudslide
le coup de soleil = sunburn
la crue éclair = flash flood
le cyclone = cyclone
l’éboulement = rockslide
l’éclair = lightning bolt
le feu de brouissaille = brush fire
le feu de forêt = wildfire
les flocons de neige = snowflakes
la foudre = lightning
le froid = cold
le gel = frost
la gelée = frost
geler = to freeze
la gelure = frostbite
le givre = hoar / white frost
le glissement de terrain = landslide
la grêle = hail
les grêlons = hailstones
humide = wet
l’inondation = flood
les intempéries = bad weather
la météo = weather / weather forecast
la neige = snow
le nuage = cloud
l’orage = thunderstorm
l’ouragan = hurricane
le parapluie = umbrella
la pluie = rain
les précipitations = precipitation
les prévisions météo = weather forecast
la rafale = gust
les rayons du soleil = sun rays
la sécheresse = drought
le soleil = sun
la température = temperature
la tempête = storm
la tempête de grêle = hailstorm
la tempête de neige = snowstorm
la tempête de pluie = rainstorm
la tempête de poussière = dust storm
la tempête de sable = sandstorm
la tempête tropicale = tropical storm
le temps = weather
le tonnerre = thunder
la tornade = tornado
la tornade de feu = firenado
le tourbillion de poussière/sable = dust devil
le tourbillion de feu = fire devil
le tremblement de terre / séisme = an earthquake
la trombe marine = waterspout
le tsunami = tsunami
le typhon = typhoon
la vague de chaleur = heatwave
le vent = wind
le verglas = black ice
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